We have shifted to
Kelvin's Dragon Fish Den
Exhibition Dragons (Arowana Competitions)
BroadCasting Den
(11.00 pm Singapore time - Bed time Chat) (12.30 pm Singapore time - Lunch at the Den)
(If you are in the West Coast of USA.. Singapore time is 12 Hours ahead)
(if you want to chat with Den Master.. leave your request in my Discussion Board)
The Battle Field
(Cast your votes.. support your favourite Fish Shops and Fish Farms)
Going Places (External Links)
Addresses of all Singapore Fish Shops
New Events/Postings
Trip Report on "Black Dragon Farm" Visit (5 June 2000)
Cypan Collector's Pics (7 June 2000)
Goh Collector's Pics (10 June 2000)
Skyliner Collectoers Pics (10 June 2000)
Ronald Collectors Pics (14 June 2000)
Kenny Koh Collectors Pics (14 June 2000)
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Established since Feburary 2000
All copyrights reserved